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Q: What are your most cherished values?
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What is the most cherished numbers?

666 is the most popular number but cherished probably not so much. Numbers are generally favorited by indiviudals and have some form of subconscious meaning.

What was the most precious thing Victor Hugo cherished?

his daughter leopoldine

When was Cherished created?

Cherished was created in 1977-04.

How do you use cherished in sentence?

i cherished the boy that helped me do my gardens

What is the duration of Cherished film?

The duration of Cherished - film - is 1.5 hours.

What are the Filipino values for today?

Some important Filipino values today include hospitality, respect for elders, strong sense of family, and bayanihan (community unity and cooperation). These values are still highly cherished and play a significant role in shaping Filipino culture and society.

When was Cherished - film - created?

Cherished - film - was created on 2005-02-22.

Is the right to petition legal?

It sure is legal. It is listed in the Bill of Rights and is one of our most cherished rights.

Why did Sundiatas memory still cherished today?

it is still cherished today because he was very important.

What is the most cherished dream of your life?

If I have a lot of money than I can help orphan children and give good education.

What are the ratings and certificates for Cherished - 2005 TV?

Cherished - 2005 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG

What are the release dates for Cherished Melodies - 1949?

Cherished Melodies - 1949 was released on: USA: 31 December 1949