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Graphically, a line or many lines going vertically or horizontally in a slanting position, connecting and dis-connecting, and mirroring each other making a 'zigzag'



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Q: What are zigzag lines?
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How do you spell zig zagy?

The spelling zigzaggy is an adjective, but so is just zig-zag or zigzag. The word zigzag is also the adverb, and more rarely a noun.E.g. The zigzag lines / the lines were drawn zigzag across the page / The road continued in a zigzag to the top of the hill.

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straight, curved, zigzag, and bent.

Different types of lines in mathematics?

Different types of lines are :parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines,oblique lines, vertical lines, horizontal lines, zigzag lines, curved lines ,wavy lines, and dashed or dotted lines.

Pictures of different kinds of lines?

zigzag lines, vertical lines, horizontal lines, right curve, over curve,left curve, under curve, scallop lines, left slanting lines, right slanting lines

What are the eight types of lines?

The eight types of lines are horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved, zigzag, thick, thin, and broken. Horizontal lines run parallel to the horizon, while vertical lines run perpendicular to the horizon. Diagonal lines slant at an angle, curved lines bend smoothly, zigzag lines have a series of sharp angles, thick lines are bold and prominent, thin lines are delicate and fine, and broken lines are made up of segments with gaps in between.