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Q: What area become home to the command center for defense of the US including the Pentagon?
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To whom should one apply to become a military defense lawyer?

To become a military defense lawyer, you should apply with recruiters via the ROTC program. You do not have to originally be a lawyer first to become a military defense lawyer.

When might an area command become a unified command?

when incidents are multi jurisdictional

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It can evolve three ways: Hitmonlee (more Attack and Speed, but bad physical defense) Hitmonchan (good Attack and decent defense, lower speed) Hitmontop (Equal Attack and Defense, which are decent, lower speed) It will evolve at level 20. If its Attack is higher than its Defense, it will become Hitmonlee. If its Defense is higher than its Attack, it will become Hitmonchan. If its Defense and Attack are equal, it will become Hitmontop.

Can a female become defense secretary?

There is no reason why not.

How did Australia become involved in the Somme battle?

The Australian command in France, placed under command of the British command, was ordered to do so.

Could the secretary of defense become president if all the predecessors die?

Technically, if every member of the presidential branch died, the secretary of defense COULD become the president of the United States

How do you innvent voice command?

Get big brane, Become smart.

What day did Leon Panetta become secretary of defense?

July 1,2011

What day did Chuck Hagel become secretary of defense?

February 27,2013

When a shooter misses a shot and the defense gets the rebound does it become a turnover?

No. no

Who was the Secretary of Defense of the US in 1993?

Robert McNamara was the US Secretary of Defense in 1963. After his term as Secretary of Defense, he went on to become the President of the World Bank.