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Q: What assessment types has the greatest effect on your overall grade on a math grade?
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C d c

What is the minimum grade you need to get a level 4 on the NC EOG?

To achieve a level 4 on the North Carolina End-of-Grade (EOG) assessment, students typically need to score in the range of 75-84% correct on the test. This equates to earning a grade of C or higher. However, the specific minimum grade required can vary depending on the difficulty of the test and the overall performance of students statewide.

Does educational software also include some form of assessment software to grade and track progress?

Usually, educational software also includes some form of assessment software to grade and track progress.

What grade do you take the EXPLORE test in?

Thee educational assessment test EXPLORE is usually given to students in the 8th grade.

How much does your overall mark drop if you fail an exam?

It depends on the weight of the failed exam in the overall course assessment. If the failed exam has a high weight, such as 50% of the total grade, then your overall mark can drop significantly. However, if the exam has a lower weight, like 10%, the impact on your overall mark may be less severe.

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If you had a f and 3 b- what would be your overall grade for that class?

The grade would be a "C."

How will a d affected my Math grade?

It will have a bad effect on your grade.

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3.0 GPA is what grade?

3.0 is an overall B.