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A resonant atmosphere, perhaps.

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Q: What atmosphere does a whole tone make?
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What are the 2 whole note scales for alto sax?

You can start the whole tone scale on any note. Say you start on C, then it would be C, D, E, F#, G#, A#, C Those are six different notes that compose one whole tone scale. If you start on C#, then it would be C#, D#, F, G, A, B Those are the other six notes that make up the other whole tone scale. You can start a whole tone scale on any note.

Is THE BEAR by Rebikov written in whole tone scale?

Yes it uses the whole tone scale as there are no semitones in the melody. You are right.

What is the synonym for the word aura?

air, feeling, quality, atmosphere, tone, mood, ambience

What is the tone of the Prologue?

The tone of the Prologue is ominous and foreboding, setting a dark and suspenseful atmosphere for the rest of the story.

How are tone and theme of a story related?

The tone of a story sets the mood or atmosphere, while the theme is the underlying message or central idea. The tone often helps to convey or emphasize the theme of the story by influencing how the reader perceives the events and characters. Together, the tone and theme work to evoke emotions and convey the author's intended meaning to the audience.

How many steps in a whole tone scale?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by how many steps but I can explain a whole tone scale for you. A whole tone scale is comprised of all whole steps. For example: A B C# D# F G A or Bb C D E F# G# A# (which is Bb) So I guess there are 7 notes in the whole tone scale if that was what you were looking for.

What is atmosphere of a story?

The atmosphere of a story refers to the overall feeling or mood created by the setting, tone, and events within the narrative. It encompasses the emotional tone, ambiance, and sensory details that establish the environment in which the story takes place, influencing the reader's emotional response and engagement with the text.

What does it mean to tone skin?

To tone the skin means to make all your skin the same color. Like some peoples' arm may be white at the top but then the rest is tan. So some people may want to tone their arm skin to make their whole arm the same color.

What scales does Debussy use?

whole tone

What is the atmosphere of a book called?

The atmosphere of a book is generally known as the mood or tone. It refers to the overall feeling or emotion evoked in the reader by the author's writing style, setting, and characters.

How many Whole tone scales are there?

2 or two.

Chords that contain tones a half-step or whole-step apart are called .?

tone cluster apex!!