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Q: What axis are the categories placed when two dimensional chart are being created?
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Why doesn't this site have a sub-category about asexuality?

Categories have to be requested. If there are enough questions about a topic, then a category for them can be created. New categories are being suggested and created all of the time. So you could suggest it as a category.

Why doesn't this site have a sub-category about therianthropy?

Categories have to be requested. If there are enough questions about a topic, then a category for them can be created. New categories are being suggested and created all of the time. So you could suggest it as a category.

What are analytical categories?

Analytical categories are classification systems used to group and organize information for the purpose of analysis. They help researchers or analysts identify patterns, relationships, and trends in the data being studied. These categories are often created based on specific criteria or characteristics relevant to the research question or topic being explored.

Which side of a table usually lists the categories being studied?

The left side of a table typically lists the categories being studied.

Sentences using a word illusion?

The painting is, of course, two dimensional but presents the illusion of being three dimensional.

Being in multiple categories is a characteristic of which type of rubric?

Being in multiple categories is a characteristic of an analytic rubric, where each criterion is scored separately and assigned to specific categories or levels of performance. This type of rubric enables a more detailed assessment of each aspect of the task being evaluated.

The of a table usually lists the categories being studied?

it the bottom

How do you switch to being a supervisor of a different category on WikiAnswers?

E-mail categories @ (no spaces) to request a change to the categories you are supervising on

Is a pear a fruit or vegtable?

It is a fruit, it suits the categories of being in this group.

What is a multi array?

A two-dimensional array is the simplest multi-dimensional array and is implemented as a one-dimensional array where every element is itself a one-dimensional array. We can imagine a two-dimensional array as being a table of rows and columns where every row is an array in its own right. A three-dimensional array is simply a one-dimensional array of two-dimensional arrays, which can be imagined as being an array of tables. Extending the concept, a four-dimensional array is a table of tables. Multi-dimensional arrays may be jagged. That is, a two-dimensional array may have rows of unequal length. Unlike regular arrays, jagged arrays cannot be allocated in contiguous memory. Instead, we use the outer array (the first dimension) to store pointers to the inner arrays. An array of strings (character arrays) is an example of a two-dimensional jagged array.

Where is the specimen placed in a microscope?

The specimen is placed on a glass slide and covered with a coverslip before being placed on the stage of the microscope for viewing.