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The y-axis. Although it is possible for both variables to be independent, or both dependent.

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Q: What axis is the dependant varible on x or y?
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What is the name of the variable plotted on the x axis?

the variable on the x axis is called the independent variable. the y axis is called the dependant variable

Which measurement is on the y axis?

Usually the dependant variable is plotted on the Y axis.

How is the independent variable related to the dependent variable?

The independent variable is the (x) axis or horizontal part of a graph. The dependant is the vertical (y) axis. The independent variable can change but the dependant can't, such as x=nightly sleep time and y=hours in 1 day.

Which varible goes on the y axis?

Any variable (or number), can go on the y-axis, as long as it is identified as being there by a coordinate pair (or triple).

Which axis holds the independent variable?

The independent variable is typically placed on the x-axis in a graph or chart.

Where is the dependent variable placed on a graph?

Generally the dependant variable is placed vertically on the y-axis. This is simply because you are usually trying to derive some equation of the form y = c*x + d.

What two variables does a scatter plot have?

independant-influences the other variable-x axis dependant-is influenced by the dependant variable-y axis example as johnny jumps from a higher distance, he falls faster. independant=distance from the ground dependant=the speed of the fall

How do you read an x and y graph?

You use dry mix to answer because it means D: Dependant R: Respective and sooo on y:y Axis X:x axis

Where is y and x axis?

The y- axis in the vertical axis and the x-axis in the horizantal axis

If you have a graph on which forearm length and height are on the Y and X axis which variable should go on which axis?

Forearm length should be on the Y-axis and height should be on the X-axis. This is because height is typically considered the independent variable, which is plotted on the X-axis, while forearm length is the dependent variable, which is plotted on the Y-axis.

Which comes first x axis or the y axis?

The x-axis comes first. because x comes before y.

Is a vertical like on the Y axis or the X axis?

The vertical axis is the y-axis. The horizontal axis is the x-axis.