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A Golf ball will bounce higher. It has more mass so it is less influenced by air resistance.

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Q: What ball bounces higher golf ball or ping pong ball?
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How does a ball bounce high?

The harder you bounce the ping pong ball the higher it goes........the softer you bounce a ping pong ball the shorter it bounces. You control the heighth.

What ball bounces higher a basketball or rubber ball?

It would depend on what you bounce them on and what material the bouncy ball is made of. Most surfaces and materials would mean the bouncy ball goes higher, but a few could result in the golf ball being better.

Does a golf ball have a higher density than a ping pong ball?

Yes, a Golf ball does have a Higher density than a pingpong ball. I think because if a fusion is compacted real close, it has a higher density than the object that is seperated .

What is the world record of ping pong ball bounces in the world record of ping pong ball bounces in the air?

The world record for continuous ping pong ball bounces in the air is 8,214 times, achieved by Ashrita Furman in New York on June 12, 2010.

What falls faster a golf ball or ping pong ball?

In general, a golf ball falls faster than a ping pong ball due to its greater mass and thus higher inertia. This means that gravity has a stronger effect on the golf ball, causing it to accelerate more quickly towards the ground compared to the ping pong ball.

Which would bounce higher a golf ball a rubber ball or ping pong ball?

A rubber ball would generally bounce higher than a golf ball or a ping pong ball due to its elasticity and ability to store and release energy upon impact. Ping pong balls, being lightweight and hollow, can also bounce quite high but may not have the same level of bounce as a rubber ball. Golf balls are designed for low bounce as they are meant to stay on the ground when hit.

Which is larger golf ball or ping pong ball?

There isn't a huge difference, but a Golf ball would be marginally bigger. Golf ball sized and ping pong size are mostly used to measure hail sizes. A golf ball is bigger but not by much. Inches. 1 1/2 Ping Pong Ball Size 1 3/4 Golf Ball Size

Which will go higher when thrown up in the air golf ball or tennis ball?

In general, the golf ball will go higher than a ping pong ball would if we give both a good toss. This is because there is a lot less inertia in a table tennis ball owing to its light weight (low mass) compared to the golf ball. Air resistance (called "drag" by science types) will "suck" the energy out of a ping pong ball faster than a golf ball because there is less energy in the ping pong ball to begin with. There is a little bit more to this, but this is the basic "answer" for a school science question.

How much more matter is in a golf ball than a ping pong ball?

That really depends but you can get a basic idea by: 1. Stab something through a ping pong ball 2. Attempt to stab something through Golf ball Tell me which has more matter? A ping ball is basically a shell on the outside of golf ball; it has no inside, and golf ball is filled inner material.

How much more matter is in a golf ball than a ping Ball?

That really depends but you can get a basic idea by: 1. Stab something through a ping pong ball 2. Attempt to stab something through Golf ball Tell me which has more matter? A ping ball is basically a shell on the outside of Golf ball; it has no inside, and golf ball is filled inner material.

Will a golf ball or a ping pong ball go the farthest?

A golf ball will generally go farther than a ping pong ball when hit with the same force because of its heavier weight and streamlined design. The golf ball's dimpled surface also helps reduce drag, allowing it to travel a greater distance compared to a ping pong ball.

What is smaller than a softball?

Ping Pong Ball / Table Tennis Golf Ball Cricket Field Hockey Lacrosse Billiards / Pool Squash Are all smaller in diameter than a baseball