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Q: What best describe the period between 1350 and 1600?
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What period of time is the renaissance?

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What Time period of the renaissance?

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What was the period between 1350-1600 that saw tremendous advance in science and the art?

the renaissence don't no if right spelling but that's it

True or false the period in eurpean history between 1350 and 1600 was called the renaissance?

Partly true I think it lasted a little longer though maybe to the 1700's.

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When did renaissance begin?

14th-16th centuries (1350-1600)

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The period in Japanese history between 1600-1853; also known as the Edo Period.

When did the European exploration begin?

Some time during the Stone Age

What time period was the rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman ideas led to the questioning of the total authority of the Catholic Church?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. The period of the rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman ideas was called the Rennaissance (1350-1600).

What was the time period in 1600?

The time period in 1600 is known as the 17th century.

Years of the plague?

The plague took place during the middle ages between 1346 and 1353. It's peak years were between 1348 and 1350.

What are some Inventions that were created between 1600-1750?

Some inventions that were created between 1600 - 1750 include musical instruments. The horn, flute, harp, and trumpet were created during this period.