The word century means 100 years FYI: decade means 10 years
A century means one hundred consecutive years, and adjective form is centennial. The adverb form centennially is rarely used.
The word 'percent' means 'every hundred'. 51 percent is 51 / 100 or 0.51
Triennial, from Latin "triennium".
Because the term percent means per cent as in the Latin word "for every hundred"
The word bicentennial.
The word century means 100 years FYI: decade means 10 years
A century means one hundred consecutive years, and adjective form is centennial. The adverb form centennially is rarely used.
Bientum. Coming for the Latin word "Centum" meaning one hundred.
The word Biennial means Every two years
"Bicentennial" means something that is two hundred years old.
A period of 100 years is conveyed by the single word century.
Bi usually means 2. For example, the word bicentennial means every two hundred years. it means 2, like bisect means 2 parts. u got it?
Once every century?
Sextennial means "Recurring every six years."
Biannual~ this means twice in one yearbiennial~ this means once every two years