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Q: What bit me Three red marks on left leg close to the knee in the shape of a triangle. They are very raised and there seems to be super small scabs in middle. All hurt and are red circle around scab?
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What is the comparison between pascal triangle expansion and binominal expansion?

Pascal's triangle shows the constant for each term if the equation is (x+y) to a number, which is the line number in Pascal's triangle, for a binomial expansion you can use Pascal's triangle but you have to multiply that by the constants on x and y raised to x's and y's exponent multiplied by the number the binomial is being raised to. (ax^b + cy^d) ^e = the number in Pascal's triangle for e times (a^ (b times e)) times (c ^(d times e)) which gives the constant for that term

How many numbers were in pascals triangle?

There is actually no limit to the number of numbers in Pascal's Triangle. The triangle is simply a way to remember the coefficients of the product of two binomials (or the expansion of a binomial raised to a power). See the link below. The triangle starts like this: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 It goes on forever. Simply begin and end each row with a one and find the numbers in the middle by adding the two above it. Edit: I don't know how to make the above triangle look correct here. The program wants to remove all of the spaces, making the triangle look like a right triangle. Just ignore that. It should look like a pyramid, with the top 1 in the center.

If the legs of a right triangle are 10 and 24 then the hypoustnuse is?

In a right triangle, the length of the hypotenuse is calculated as A^2 + B^2 = C^2, where A and B are the two sides adjoining the 90 degree angle. (In computers, the symbol ^ means "raised to the power of".) So, 10^2 = 100. 24^2 = 576 So C^2 = 676, which means that C = 26

What does parenthesis around a number mean if it is raised to a power?

it means that you have to solve the exponents first and then do the rest. it follows a rule called PEMDAS:ParenthesisExponentMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtraction

Which is larger 99 raised to the ninth power divided by 9 raised to the 99 power or 11 raised to the ninth power divided by 9 raised to the 90th power?

11 raised to the 9th power divided by 9 raised to the 90th power

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Columbus Circle is named after Christopher Columbus! The City of New York made it a project for the 400th anniversary of Columbus's voyage, hiring traffic planners, architects, and artists to design the circle. In the middle is a column with a statue of Christopher Columbus, created by Italian sculptor Gaetano Russo. Thousands of Italian-Americans raised money to pay for this tribute to their countryman. Over the years, New York has grown and changed around the circle, but it is just as beautiful as ever.

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A traffic circle, also referred to in some parts of the country as a "rotary" or a "roundabout".

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Softball doesn't have a raised mound. In fast pitch softball, there is a circle with an 8 foot diameter drawn around the pitcher's plate.

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An insect bite could cause?æ one inch diameter red circle that has raised edges. It could be from a spider.

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Go to and submit a compliment!!!!!

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What is a raised area in the middle of a road?

i believe it's called a bump

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The mole is not cancerous. the hair can be removed by laser therapy if needed.

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Jews have grown up in numerous cities around the world. If there is a European, United States, North African, or Middle Eastern city with more than 300,000 people, it is likely that at least a few Jews were raised there at some point in time, if not currently.

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