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Q: What branch of Psychology finds meaning in a configuration of elements rather than in their individual significance claiming the whole is greater than the sum of its parts?
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How much do you get back on taxes for claiming another person?

An individual claiming another individual as a dependent on their taxes will receive a tax deduction of $3300. The amount that the individual will get back as a tax refund will be dependent upon the income of the taxpayer.

Which of these is not requirement for claiming an individual as a dependent?

The child must have lived with the taxpayer for more than three years.

How do Jehovah's Witnesses become anointed?

This would be a matter between the individual claiming to be anointed and the Holy Spirit. There is no ritual associated with becoming one of the anointed.

What does he mean when he said you are mine?

When someone says "you are mine," they are typically expressing possessiveness or claiming ownership over the individual. It can sometimes indicate a desire for control or dominance in the relationship.

Claiming age relaxation meaning?

Claiming age relaxation

Claiming of unclaiming unpaid divided?

Claiming and not claiming unpaid dividends are when you have paid a debt. Once you have paid a debt it is is claimed.

What is the significance of Ea and Marduk's army claiming victory?

Ea and Marduk are ancient Mesopotamian deities associated with wisdom and power, respectively. Their army claiming victory symbolizes the triumph of knowledge and strength, reflecting the importance of balance and harmony between intellect and might in achieving success. It also signifies the resilience and prowess attributed to these gods in Mesopotamian mythology.

How can someone live with you without claiming anything?

They can but you would be bored with out claiming anything

Can 'claiming' be used in a sentence?

I am not claiming to be the son of Czar Nicholas the Second, I am the son of Czar Nicholas the Second! ---- Whoever it was claiming to be from Mars is wrong; Mars is uninhabitable.

Can two people have the same credit card number?

I have a credit card in my name, my wife used my individual credit card claiming that it is in the name of us both, which is not true, how can I prove to the court that what she says is not true?

What is the tense of claiming?

Claiming is the present participle form of the verb "claim," which means that it can be used to indicate an action that is happening currently or continuously in the present.

Is claiming war medals that aren't yours illegal?

It is unethical. Claiming a military pension would be fraud.