10 hours
Same day.
343/C hours
About 4 hours 53 minutes at 70 mph
It depends upon several factors, such as the weight of the bus, the number of passengers, the frontal area of the bus, the size of the engine, the type of road, uphill or downhill, number of stoplights, transmission in the bus, rear end ratio, habits and skill of the driver. Let's assume an average of 6 mpg. 150 miles / 6 mpg = 25 gallons
As far as I can determine - all public transport is now handled by a central number - 020 7222 1234.
Is there a bus on gunhill and Jerome ave going to cross county mall
Phone 0843 222 1234 and they will tell you.
Walk to 4th Ave. and Seneca St. Take bus #511 toward Ash Way. Walk to Ash Way P&R ACS and I-5 Expressway Ramp. Take bus #952 Express toward Everett. Get off bus at Boeing Access Rd. and Gate E-72. Walk to 8415 Paine Field Blvd, Mukilteo, WA. Arrive at destination.
Take the M5 bus from Church St/Vesey Station until you reach the park.
2hours on bus 1hour in car
Central Bus Station Sofia was created in 2004.
Common Ave- - 2003 Bruce vs- the Bus 2-7 was released on: USA: 16 August 2004
Bee Line Westchester Bus at Gun Hill Road & Jerome Ave #20 to Last STOP at White Plains. Wal*Mart is right aroud the corner. Bus will say White Plains!
From the Central Bus Station ... Egged Bus 243 -or- Dan Bus 127
Central Bus Station Bombing happened on 1987-04-21.