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Q: What byproduct of protein catabolism constitutes approximately one half of all nitrogen waste?
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What element constitutes nearly 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen constitutes nearly 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere.

What element is most common in Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen is the most common element in Earth's atmosphere, making up about 78% of the total volume. Oxygen is the second most abundant element, at approximately 21%.

Does anabolism create a positive or negative nitrogen balance?

Anabolism creates positive nitrogen balance. That means sort of body building. Catabolism creates negative nitrogen balance. That means loss of proteins from your body.

What is a substance excreted by the kidneys?

The kidneys excrete urea, from protein catabolism, and uric acid, from nucleic acid metabolism.

What is the percent if the air is nitrogen?

Air is approximately 78% nitrogen.

Atmospheric air contains what percentage of nitrogen?

Atmospheric air contains approximately 78% nitrogen.

What is lighter oxygen or nitrogen?

Nitrogen is lighter than oxygen. The atomic weight of nitrogen is approximately 14, while the atomic weight of oxygen is approximately 16.

What does nitorgon mean?

You might mean nitrogen which is the colourless gas that constitutes about 3/4 of the earth's atmosphere.

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What element makes up approximately 78 percent of the earths atmosphere?

Nitrogen makes up approximately 78% of Earth's atmosphere.

Percentage of sulfur and nitrogen in thiourea?

Thiourea contains approximately 37.5% sulfur and 11.1% nitrogen by weight.

What is conversion factor from kg of liquid nitrogen to kg of gaseous nitrogen?

Liquid nitrogen has a density of approximately 809 kg/m³ at its boiling point. When it vaporizes into gaseous nitrogen, it expands by a factor of around 696, resulting in approximately 809 kg of liquid nitrogen yielding 561 kg of gaseous nitrogen.