Whether you need a 5.56 or a 308 depends what you intend to shoot. A .308 is intended for larger game like deer and elk.
Winchester model 100 (rifle) in 100% shape is worth $550.00 in the 308 caliber. Winchester model 100 (carbine) in 100% shape is worth $795.00 in 308 caliber. If you find a model 100 in the 284 caliber consider yourself lucky and buy it, dinosaur bones are easier to find.
The best thing you should probably do with your money is save it.
go buy a golden house
buy a year 6 vocab book
100-1000 usd
Winchester model 100 (rifle) in 100% shape is worth $550.00 in the 308 caliber. Winchester model 100 (carbine) in 100% shape is worth $795.00 in 308 caliber. If you find a model 100 in the 284 caliber consider yourself lucky and buy it, dinosaur bones are easier to find.
Rifles can be rechambered, if the rounds are the same caliber. You'd do this to change cartridges of the same caliber. Rifles can also be rebarreled. You'd do this to change calibers and cartridges. You can also replace the action in a rifle to change the action length. The cost of rebarreling(new caliber and cartridge) and replacing the action(new action length) would be prohibitive. It would be cheaper and easier to sell the 308 and buy a 338 magnum.
It should be marked on the barrel
Your MR SSP-91 pistol in 308 Win is worth $250-300 depending on condition if it is old style stock. New style is worth $300-350 Retail. I am looking to buy if you are selling call me Barnard 763-475-3820
Any Winchester 308 ammunition will work for you.
Check out the gunbroker.com You should be able to find what you are looking for.
There are several places one can buy a Dodge Caliber. Online buying options include eBay. The best place to buy a Dodge Caliber is official Dodge dealerships.
A gun shop.
In U.K, the paintball fields set them at 270 FPS, but when you buy the gun it should be around 300 FPS, you can buy chrongraphs for $10-20 to test the FPS,
Only if sommeone had it chambered for that caliber. Before 922r parts count laws prohibited further importation of them, there were variants of the SVD rifle imported which were chambered to fire the 7.62x51 and .308 Winchester cartridges. These were absent some of the features of the military Dragunovs, such as the flash suppressor, and were sold as the "Tigr 308". Military versions in 7.62x51 NATO were manufactured and exported, but were not sold on the US civil market, as they were not considered "sporting weapons" under the provisions of the Gun Control Act of 1968.