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Q: What called The amount that you want to divide up?
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How do you come up with an average?

you add up all the numbers you want the average of (for ex: 3,5,2,12, 15) and then divide by the amount of numbers you have (example adds up to 37. then divide by 5 (bc theres 5 numbers) and you get 7.4)

What does dividens mean?

The amount you want to divide up. dividend ÷ divisor = quotient. Example: in 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 12 is the dividend. Hope this helps.

If you divide a negative number by a negative number will you get a positive number?

You will end up with a positive number. With integers, if you multiply or divide an even amount of negative numbers, the answer will be positive and if you multiply or divide an odd amount, the answer will be negative.

What function sums the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the number zero?

No function will add numbers up and divide the total by zero, as it is a mathematical impossibility to divide by zero. If your question meant to say that you want to divide by the amount of numbers that were summed to make the total, then the function is the AVERAGE function.

How do you write a markup as a decimal?

Divide the mark-up amount as a decimal fraction of the pre-mark-up.

What is the formula of mark up percent?

what you do is you divide 100 by the amount the test was out of then times your answer by your mark

If you had 6 books and you wanted to divide them up into sets of thirds?

divide the amount of books by 3 so they'll be 2 in each third.

How do you calculate the average of numbers?

Add them all up and divide by the amount of numbers added together

How do you find the average in math?

Add the numbers together, and then divide by the original amount of numbers in the set.To work out the mean (the average) in maths, you have to add up all of the numbers you are averaging, then divide what you now have by the amount of numbers you started with.

247 375 199 252 305 200 299 where's the mode?

add up all the numbers, then divide by the amount of numbers. (in this case divide by 7

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You can check the current prices on the Grand Exchange. Just look the current price up, then divide 99,000 - the amount you want to earn - by this unit price.

How do you get your report card average?

You add up all of the score/grades and then you divide by the amount of scores/grades total. So if you had 10 scores/grades total you would add them all up and then divide them by 10.