88/104 = 11/13
The fraction 104/126 can be simplified to 4/6, or further reduced to 2/3.
102 & 104
This is 104/125
80% =0.88/104/5
48/104 = 6/13
It can't be reduced further - because 101 is a prime number.
88/104 = 11/13
6 over 13
Yes, to 26/9 or 2 8/9
The fraction 104/126 can be simplified to 4/6, or further reduced to 2/3.
102 & 104
This is 104/125
80% =0.88/104/5
12/13 = 96/104 7/8 = 91/104 96/104 + 91/104 = 187/104 or 1 and 83/104