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Q: What can 2 twelves be redused to?
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Yes, its 2 twelves smaller.

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What is 2 and 7 twelves - 5 twelves?

The answer to the mathematical equation of 2 7/12 minus 5/12 is 2 2/12.

What is 2 and 5 twelves - negative 2 and 1 over six?

The result will be 4 and 7 twelves or 55/12.

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2 twelves.

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What is 2wholes then 4 over 6 redused in its lowest terms?

2 wholes + 4/6 = 2 and 2/3

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What is three twelves plus four twelves?

seven twelves

What are 2 equivalent for eight twelves?

4/6, 2/3

What is 6 times eleven twelves?

It is 11/2 = 51/2

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