No, 897 and 999 are not relatively prime.
33 over 33 is 1 and 999 over 999 is 1, so yes, they are equal.
Since the numerator and denominator are the same, 999/999 is equal to 1.
12+999/1000 which can be reduced to 12999/1000
No, 897 and 999 are not relatively prime.
3.588 = 897/250
The fraction 512/999 cannot be reduced any more.
33 over 33 is 1 and 999 over 999 is 1, so yes, they are equal.
84% of 897 = 84% * 897 = 0.84 * 897 = 753.48
Since the numerator and denominator are the same, 999/999 is equal to 1.
12+999/1000 which can be reduced to 12999/1000
6 over 999 simplified is 2/333
To simplify the fraction 214/999, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator (214) and the denominator (999). The GCD of 214 and 999 is 1, which means the fraction is already in its simplest form. So, 214/999 is already simplified and cannot be further reduced.
Exactly as in the question 897
570/999 = 0.'570' recurring