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They can be used in Marketing and Finance. They can also be used for co-ordinates or distance speed time graphs can be useful for journeys

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Q: What can Graphs and charts of data can be used for?
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Related questions

What is the best method to represent specific data?

The best method to represent specific data depends on the type of data and the goal of the analysis. Common methods include tables, charts (such as bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs), histograms, scatter plots, and infographics. Consider the nature of the data, the audience, and the story you want to convey when choosing a representation method.

What does analyzing data in graphs or charts allow you to do?

visualize the data

How are pie charts in circle graphs used?

To compare data within 360 degrees of a circle

Scientist use their data to make charts and?


Data Visualization?

It is the process of translating large data sets into charts, maps, graphs and other visuals.

What are four ways that you can graphically present data?

Four ways to graphically present data are through bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, and scatter plots. Each type of graph is best suited for displaying different types of data and relationships between variables. Choose the graph that fits best with the data you are trying to communicate.

The use of charts and graphs is an example of?

data visualization

Analyzing data in graphs or charts allows you to do what?

Make Observations.- NovaNet Answer <^_^>

Kinds of graphs for science?

Some common types of graphs used in science include line graphs to show trends over time, bar graphs to compare different categories, scatter plots to display relationships between variables, and pie charts to represent parts of a whole. Choosing the appropriate graph depends on the data being presented and the message that needs to be conveyed.

What is the first way a scientist displays data?

A scientist record the data in a table which displays it in a clear and readable format. Then they usually convert this into any sort of graph which allows them to compare the data. Graphs can include scatter graphs, line graphs, bar charts and pie charts, all of which depend on the data you are studying, hope that helped :)

Analyzing data in graphs or charts allows you to .?

Make predictions

Scientists use their data to make charts and what to communicate the results of an experiment?
