its self
If you divide and get no remainder then the divisor is a FACTOR of the dividend.
a number that can be divided and leave no remainder.
Any even number can be divided by two without a remainder.
Any integer can be divided by 1 without remainder.
There are no such numbers. Any number can be divided by SOME number without a remainder. For a start, you can divide any number except zero by itself, without a remainder. You can also divide any number by 1 - also, without a remainder.
Any number. Can be divided by 1 without remainder.
a number that can be divided and leave no remainder.
Any even number can be divided by two without a remainder.
Any integer can be divided by 1 without remainder.
There are no such numbers. Any number can be divided by SOME number without a remainder. For a start, you can divide any number except zero by itself, without a remainder. You can also divide any number by 1 - also, without a remainder.
A factor.
Any number. Can be divided by 1 without remainder.
Any number that can be divided by 2 without having a remainder is considered an even number
true.... a number can be divided by another number without a remainder.
It is an Odd number. Even numbers are those which have no remainder when divided by 2.
It is a number which can be divided by 2 without remainder.
A multiple.
1 can be divided into both numbers with no remainder