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Q: What can you divide 100 by to get 60?
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What is 60 percent of 300000?

300,000 = 100% divide by 100 and we get 3,000 = 1% Multiply by 60 and we get 180,000 = 60%

How many 100 in 6000?

60. divide 100 into 6000

What is three fifths of 100?

If you divide 100 by 5 you get 20 and three times 20 = 60.

What is 60 percent of 170000?

102,000 170000 x .60 or 170000 x 60 then divide by 100

How do you write 48 minutes as a percentage on a hour?

You divide 48 by 60 and multiply by 100. 48/60 X 100 = 80%.

How make a percent into a decimal?

Divide by 100. For example, 60 percent in decimal form would be 60 divided by 100, which is 0.6

Divide 60 by half and deduct twenty. what do you get?

60/0.5 - 20 = 120-20 = 100

What is 2.75 over 60 as a percentage?

4.58%. Just divide 2.75 by 60 and multiply by 100.

How would you change a fraction to a percent decimal and equivalent dollar amount?

To change a fraction into percentage form, divide 100 by the denominator (the number underneath) and multiply by the numerator. So, if the fraction was 3/5, you would divide 100 by 5 (20) and multiply by 3, giving 60%. 60% of 1 dollar is 60 cents. the other way is to multiply the numerator by 100 and divide by the denominator (ie. multiply 3 by 100 (300) and divide by 5 = 60(%))

What is 60 percent of 1000?

percent means per 100. in this case, that means 60 per 100. Here we divide 1000 by 100, then multiply by 60. 1000/100 is 10, x60 is 600

What percent is 46 out of 60?

Divide 46 by 60 and multiply by 100 to get %. Thus (46/60) x 100 = 76.7% or 77% to 2 sig.figs.

Formula to find 60 percent of 7.5?

one way is to divide 7.5 by 100 and multiply the answer by 60. 7.5 divided by 100 = 0.075 x 60 = 4.5