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You can infer that it is on or near a fault line. You can also infer that a earthquake is very likely to occur there.

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Q: What can you infer about why the probability of an earthquake is so high in the Parkfield area?
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The probability of an earthquake high in Parkfield San Andreas fault?

The probability of a significant earthquake (magnitude 6.0 or higher) occurring on the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault is estimated to be about 70% within the next 30 years. This area is known as the "earthquake capital of California" due to its frequent seismic activity. Preparedness and early warning systems are in place to mitigate potential risks associated with earthquakes in this region.

Why do geologists conclude that blocks of rocks between the santa cruz mountains and the parkfield area has a low probability of an earthquake because the rocks move slowly and continnually?

That area has few plate forms around it.

What can you infer about why the probability of an earthquake is so high in the Park field area?

the first section between a santa cruz mountains and park wailed has a very slow low-probability geologist known as this area has experienced very little damage in seismic activity in this as they also found that the blocks are rocks in this section moves slowly continually why would slogan tonal movement lead geologist to give the section a low probability?

What is the probability an earthquake will hit the same area again?

there is a even chance that a earthquake will hit the same area again.

When did earthquakes first became predicted?

Currently earthquakes can not exactly be predicted, scientists can estimate the probability that an earthquake of a given size will affect a given location over a certain number of years, but it's still not possible to actually know if or when an earthquake will occur.China began trying to predict earthquakes in the 1970s but it was not so successful, they issued over 30 false predictions and only 2 correct ones. Japan attempted predictions around the same time which ultimately failed when an earthquake struck the city of Kobe in 1995. Several predictions were made by other countries throughout the 70-90s but almost all were entirely inaccurate.A good example of this would be the Parkfield earthquake prediction,the USGS predicted an earthquake to occur in Parkfield California between 1985 and 1993, this prediction was based upon regularly occurring earthquakes in the area in the early 1900s. These failed to occur but an earthquake did occur in that same area in 2004, showing some regularity in earthquakes, making predictions slightly more plausible.So, to date the only prediction method available is probability.

The chance that an earthquake will occur in your town during the next year is an example of?

This is an example of a probability event, specifically a natural disaster event. The likelihood of an earthquake happening in a particular area within a given time frame is a statistical probability based on historical data and geographic factors.

The total area of a normal probability distribution is?

The total area of any probability distribution is 1

What is the measurement of how likely an area is to have damaging earthquakes called?

The measurement of how likely an area is to have damaging earthquakes is called seismic hazard. It assesses the probability of ground shaking exceeding a certain intensity within a specific timeframe.

An area of a normal probability distribution represents?

The number 1. The area of any probability distribution equals 1.

Why is it important to evacuate and area before an earthquake?

When an earthquake hits, people will get hurt, if you don't move out of the area.

How can you find the probability that a randomly chosen point in a figure lies in the shaded region?

The probability is the ratio of the area of the shaded area to the area of the whole figure.

Does an earthquake cause a fault?

No an earthquake is caused because in that certain area where the earthquake was , there was a fault line.