15 multiply 60 = 900
The whole number that you can multiply by to get 15 is 15.
45 divided by 3 is 15. So, you multiply 15 by 3 to get 45.
first multiply the numerators and you get 15, then you multiply the denominators and you get 15 so 15/15 = 1
15 multiply 60 = 900
The whole number that you can multiply by to get 15 is 15.
Multiply the 200 by 15, then divide the answer by 100 !
Just multiply 15/100 (or 0.15) times 300.Just multiply 15/100 (or 0.15) times 300.Just multiply 15/100 (or 0.15) times 300.Just multiply 15/100 (or 0.15) times 300.
You change the percent to decimal form, then multiply. For example, if you want to multiply 75 x 15% you multiply 75 x .15, which = 11.25
45 divided by 3 is 15. So, you multiply 15 by 3 to get 45.
multiply 36318 by .15
first multiply the numerators and you get 15, then you multiply the denominators and you get 15 so 15/15 = 1
We know that 70 percent is 70/100 or .7, and we know that 15 percent is 15/100 or .15. Now we know that to find 15 % of 70 %, we multiply .7 times .15 and we get .105 for an answer.
1 and 15, and 3 and 5.
105First multiply 1 and 3 to get 3. Second multiply 3 and 5 to get 15. Third multiply 15 and 7 to get 105.