144 and 126
Numbers you can multiply to get 126 are: 2 x 63 3 x 42 6 x 21 7 x 18 9 x 14
As a product of its prime factors: 2*3*3*7 = 126
Here are some ways to make 126:1x126,2x63,3x42,6x21,9x14
You multiply 126 x 2 = 252
First, you multiply 7X3. then multiply the answer(21) by 2. then multiply that answer(42) by 3. Then the next answer(126) by 2. and so on.
To divide by a fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal - in this case, you multiply by 3.
144 and 126
Numbers you can multiply to get 126 are: 2 x 63 3 x 42 6 x 21 7 x 18 9 x 14
As a product of its prime factors: 2*3*3*7 = 126
To find 12 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.12. In this instance, 0.12 x 126 = 15.12. Therefore, 12 percent of 126 is equal to 15.12.