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negative integer

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Q: What can you say about the product of a negative integer and a positive integer?
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When can we say the that the product the two integers is positive?

When both are positive or both are negative.

Is consequence and impact same?

When you say consequences they are all positive. When you say impact, they may be positive or negative, such as positive impact or negative impact. But we don't use phrases like positive consequence or negative consequence. But there are surely positive and negative impacts! What do you say?

What can you say about the sum of two positive integers?

The sum will be a positive integer.It will be at least as large as double the smaller integer and at most as large as double the larger integer.

Will the sum of two integers always be negative?

No. For example, 2 + 3 = 5 which is positive, and 2 + (-2) = 0 which is neither positive nor negative. Well, that completely discredits my 4th grade math book that said any number that is not negative IS positive. Therefore, zero is by default a positive number. However, the sum of two negative integers will always be negative. Adding a negative integer decreases the value of the result and given that both integers are negative implies that the sum will be negative. "Implies"? you say. Do you have no conviction? Cannot you say 'determines' when it is obvious? "not obvious"? you say, Then does that mean the sum of 2 negative numbers MIGHT not be negative? See, this is what happens when a 5th grade question is answered by someone with superior attitude.

Why is the product of two absolute values is always a positive number?

This is not strictly true, because an absolute value, and hence the product of two absolute values can be zero. It is, therefore true to say that the product of two absolute values is always non-negative. An absolute value of a number is, by definition, non-negative. And by the definition of multiplication, the product of two non-negative numbers in non-negative.

Related questions

What can you say about the product of an integer and a positive integer?

-- The product is an integer. -- If the original two integers are both positive, then the product is positive. -- If the original two integers have different signs, then the product is negative.

What can you say about the quotient of a positive integer and a negative integer?

The quotient must be negative.

Do integers have to have an opposite or just be a positive or negative number?

An integer is just a whole number, excluding zero. Any positive integer will always have an opposite just by placing a negative sign in front of the positive integer. You can also say that any negative whole number is an integer.

The quotient of a negative integer and a positive integer is?

The quotient of a positive integer by a negative is always negative. Say this to yourself a couple times: "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)"

When is then product of a negative integer and a positive integer less than both of its factors?

This is a clever question. I would say: "Always". To be more precise: The product is never greater than either factor, and if neither factor is ' 1 ', then the product is always less than both.

Can any negative integer be greater than a positive integer?

Some sources say that the answer is no because a negative integer is less than zero and a positive integer is greater that zero. This answer is partially incorrect because if a negative integer is in an absolute value problem, it can potentially be greater that a positive integer. Example: |-11| > 7 because |-11|=11 because it is in an absolute value problem. Simplified, the problem is 11 > 7 So yes, in some cases a negative integer is greater that a positive integer.

When can you say that the product the two integers is negative?

When one of them is negative and the other is positive.

When can we say the that the product the two integers is positive?

When both are positive or both are negative.

Meaning of signed integer in c language?

signed integer means that it has a sigh (+ or -). Using another words you say that signed variable can be positive as well as negative. unsigned variables can be only positive.

What can you say about the product of two negative integers?

The product will be positive. For example: (-9) x (-1)= 9

Why is an integer sometimes less than its opposite?

An integer can be negative or positive, so if the integer is, let's say, -6. The opposite, or absolute value, of -6, is 6. So in this case, the opposite has more value than the actual integer. Does that answer the question? :D Best of luck, BrandonRocker98

Is consequence and impact same?

When you say consequences they are all positive. When you say impact, they may be positive or negative, such as positive impact or negative impact. But we don't use phrases like positive consequence or negative consequence. But there are surely positive and negative impacts! What do you say?