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Q: What can you use instead of a stopwatch to be more accurate?
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Why do you use a stopwatch instead of a clock in science?

Because stopwatches are more precise with seconds. They are also portable and easier to read.

What lab equipment is used to measure time?

A stopwatch or timer is commonly used to measure time in a laboratory setting. Some experiments may also use more precise devices like digital timers or chronometers for accurate time measurements.

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What is a disadvantage and advantage of use an equation instead of a graph or table?

Advantage: Graphs provide a more visual representation. Disadvantage: Equations are usually more accurate.

What is manual accounting?

Manual accounting is when a person opts to use paper records instead of relying on computers. This is often considered more accurate.

How do you use a stopwatch?

Start, Stop, Reset

How do use a stopwatch?

Start, Stop, Reset

What is the use of stopwatch?

The primary use of a stopwatch is to time the duration of an event. Example: how many minutes/seconds does it take for a runner to race one mile -- "start" the stopwatch when the starting gun fires, then click "stop" as the runner crosses the finish line. You can try a stopwatch yourself on-line to get a sense of how it works and give you ideas of what you might be able to use it for. Just Google "on line stopwatch" you should get several options.

What is the use of the stopwatch in the laboratory tools?

In a laboratory, a stopwatch is used to measure elapsed time with precision. It is commonly used to time experiments, reactions or other processes that require precise timing for accurate results. This tool helps researchers and scientists ensure consistency and reliability in their experiments.

Quantitive and qualitive?

If something is Quantitative it is in the form of numbers and obtained by measurement. Eg: To time something you use a stopwatch and note down the number on the stopwatch. If something is Qualitative you do not use numbers but instead note down what you observe and try to describe it in words. Eg: When I added the Silver Nitrate to the Chloride solution a white precipitate formed.

What is the use of the digital stopwatch?

used for something about time

How will you record the time taken to do a skill?

Use a stopwatch, when you have prepared everything, start the stopwatch and start your skill, when you have finished if it takes you a couple of seconds to stop the stopwatch deduct it from the time displayed on the screen.