There are many letters that don't have a line of symmetry!BFJLNPQRS
Three capital letters that have two lines of symmetry are "O", "H", and "I" since they can be reflected either horizontally or vertically and still look the same.
I x o l
There are many letters that don't have a line of symmetry!BFJLNPQRS
There is only one capital letter: O.
Three capital letters that have two lines of symmetry are "O", "H", and "I" since they can be reflected either horizontally or vertically and still look the same.
I x o l
Depending on the font, they are N, S and Z.
Capital h, i, o, t, x.
The letters F,G,J,L,N,P,Q,R,Z have no line of symmetry in the verticle or horizontal.
The only state that has this type of symmetry when written horizontally is OHIO. If the letters are written vertically, then HAWAII, IOWA and UTAH also have symmetry.
OHIO possibly?