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Q: What caused people around the world to coordinate time?
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It caused people to take a new, logical approach to scientific discovery based on experimentation and observation.

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World Coordinate System

What are people doing around the world?

Well I think they are having fun but what do u think people around doing around the world?

Who caused the world wars?

it was a lack of compassion and hate of people that are different

Is there people around the world who cant taste?

There is a condition called "ageusia" where individuals are unable to taste. It can be caused by nerve damage, infection, or genetics. However, it is relatively rare.

How many people around globe?

There are many people around the world.... like billions of people

How many people did artillery kill in World War I?

In World War 1 around 8,500,000 soilders died during World War One. Now artillery killed the most people in World War 1. But to be totally honest it is impossible to know exactly how many people died because of Artillery in World War 1. Studies have shown however that around 65% of all deaths during World War One were caused by artillery. If we do the math this comes out to around 5,525,000 people. So to answer your question no-one really knows but peoples best guess is that 4.5 to 5.5 million people died because of artillery in World War One.

How are coordinate grids used in the real world?

architectural purposes...

Are people around the world celebrated Christmas?

There are people all around the world celebrating Christmas, but not everyone is. More than 66% of the 7 Billion people in the world are not Christian.

How could the Allies be partially blamed for World War 2?

Japan caused the US to get into the war not the other way around.