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Q: What causes a shell not to eject from a 410 rassie?
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What length shell does your bay state 410 shoot?

The Bay State .410 shotgun fires a .410 gauge shell, the smallest of shotgun shells. The shell itself is around 3 inches in length.

Why won't a 410 Stevens Model 67E shotgun eject spent shells?

I had the same gun and same problem. I found out that because it is a older model that you have to use a little more force and speed when you eject the spent shell. It should work because i have the cheapest wal-mart shells you can get and mine works just fine.

What kind of shells fit a 410 shotgun other than a 410 shell?

You can use nothing but 410 shells in a 410 shotgun.

What shell will fit a 410 shotgun other then a 410 shell?

None. Some handguns have been made that will fire .45 Long Colt revolver rounds and .410 shotgun shells, but that does not mean that you can take any .410 shotgun and stick .45 handgun ammo in there.

Can a 410 bore 2 12 inch handgun buckshot shell be used in a 410 bore 2 12 and 3 inch shell shotgun?

Yes, for sure.

What is difference between 410 gauage and 28 gauage shotgun shell?

28 is bigger. .550 vs .410

Does a Browning BPS Hunter 410 shoot 22 shells?

No it does not. The Browning BPS Hunter is a shotgun. The "410" signifies the shell size (guage) in this case .410

Can you shoot a 3 inch 410 shell in a Crescent 410 Double Bbl?

No made for 2and a half inch shells

Can any length of shell be used in a 410 shotgun?

The shell length that the chamber can handle should be stamped on the barrell.

What different ammunition will the Mossberg 410 ga shotgun fire?

Which Mossberg .410? If its the 500E, you can chamber any .410 2.5" & 3# shell. Enjoy. It's a GREAT little gun.

You saw 45 shoot 410 shell what model is it?

Thompson Center Contender

What is more powerful 16 gauge or 410 gauge?

It depends on the shell you fire.