Communicable diseases are diseases that are typically very dangerous and very contagious. Usually, diseases of this kind are spread by one person that catches the illness and unknowingly gives it to others.
What is the mortality rate of communicable diseases in the Philippines?
What is the 2008 mortality rate of communicable diseases in the Philippines?
According to experts, the mortality issues in the Philippines are linked to non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, pneumonia and diseases associated with the vascular system. In addition, the morbidity issues are acute respiratory infections, hypertension and bronchitis.
communicable diseases1. Common cold2. Hepatitis A-D3. chicken pox4.SARS5.Flu6. Mumps7. Malaria8.Herpes9.STD10.Measles
a tick is a vector for diseases such as lyme disease, so it can trasmit diseases from animals (deer) to humans in this case.
'Communicable disease' is not one treatable disease; it is a whole class of diseases. There are dozens, and maybe hundreds of communicable diseases with their own causes and treatments.
Diseases are frequently referred to as communicable or non-communicable. Communicable diseases comprise infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and measles, while non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are mostly chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and diabetes. That leads to the term communicable.
Communicable: can be spread through a community (contagious) Non-Communicable: not spread with contact (usually genetic)
non-communicable diseases
What is the mortality rate of communicable diseases in the Philippines?
communicable diseases
Communicable lung diseases would be Tuberculosis, the common cold, HiNi flu, these are contagious. Non-communicable lung diseases would be asthma, COPD, and Lung cancer.
Control of Communicable Diseases Manual was created in 1915.
National Institute of Communicable Diseases was created in 1963.
It means diseases that are infectious.
Communicable diseases are diseases that pass from one human to another or from an animal to a human. Examples include impetigo, chicken pox, flu, tuberculosis and MRSA.
A communicable disease is one which can be transmitted from one person to another, like the common cold. A non-communicable disease is one which cannot be transmitted from person to person, such as cancer.