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Pure marble is the result of metamorphism of a very pure limestone or dolomite. Colored marble varieties are usually due to various mineral impurities such as clay, silt, sand, iron oxides, or chert which were originally grains or layers in the limestone.

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Q: What causes marble to be different colors?
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Why is the marble on the Washington Monument two different colors?

Because when the construction was halted the marble was shipped from different quarries.

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How are the different colors in marble produced?

The different colors in marble are produced by various mineral impurities present during the formation process. For example, calcite creates white marble, while hematite or limonite can produce red or yellow hues. The intensity and variation of colors in marble are influenced by the specific minerals present and their concentrations.

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Different impurities give it different colors.

What causes the difference in colors emitted by different colors?

different wavelengths from different colours

What colors are absorbed by a blue marble?

A blue marble absorbs most colors in the visible spectrum except for blue, which it reflects, giving it its blue color.

How do the mountains rocks change colors o the minerals?

When you look at a rock and see different colors, those colors are minerals .The pressure and heat causes the minerals in the rock to change into different minerals which cause the different colors in the rocks.

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the khara.

How is a prism able to break sunlight into its component colours?

A prism works by bending different colors of light by varying amounts due to their different wavelengths. This causes the colors to separate into a spectrum as they pass through the prism, creating the effect of splitting sunlight into its component colors.

What is the force that causes a marble to sink in water?

The force that causes a marble to sink in water is gravity. The weight of the marble is greater than the buoyant force acting on it, causing it to sink.

What does marble feel or look like?

marble is a hard crystalline rock.which is used for architectural comes in many colors such as:-blackwhitegreygreenyellowish-whitepale pinkbrowndifferent types of marble fell different.below is a list of things would feel when you touched different types of marblesroughsmoothfine grainedsmooth-easy to gripsmooth-hard to grip

The most beautiful stone marble is extracted in which province of Pakistan?

The most beautiful stone marble in Pakistan is extracted from the province of Balochistan. Balochistan is known for its high-quality marble deposits, with different varieties and colors available in the region.