The 11th century
0-99 is 1st century
100-199 2nd century
200-299 3rd century
900-999 10th century
1000-1099 11th century
1900-1999 20th century
2000-2099 21st century
The third century is from year 201 to year 300.The third century is from year 201 to year 300.The third century is from year 201 to year 300.The third century is from year 201 to year 300.
999 is the final year of the 10th century 1000 is the first year of the 11th century.
The first Century ended at the end of the year 100.The second Century ended at the end of the year 200.The third Century ended at the end of the year 300.......The seventh Century ended at the end of the year 700.The eighth Century ended at the end of the year 800.The year 721 AD was in the eighth Century.
The year 1717 was in the 18th century.
The 4th Century is from 0400 to 0499.
The third century is from year 201 to year 300.The third century is from year 201 to year 300.The third century is from year 201 to year 300.The third century is from year 201 to year 300.
year 1 to year 100 = first century year 101 to year 200 = second century year 201 to year 300 = third century and so on to year 1501 to year 1600 = sixteenth century So, 1511 was early in the sixteenth century
The year 2100 is in the 22nd century.
The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.The 13th century ran from the year 1201 to 1300.
2100 will be the last year of the 21st Century.
999 is the final year of the 10th century 1000 is the first year of the 11th century.
The first Century ended at the end of the year 100.The second Century ended at the end of the year 200.The third Century ended at the end of the year 300.......The seventh Century ended at the end of the year 700.The eighth Century ended at the end of the year 800.The year 721 AD was in the eighth Century.
Because the first century started with the year 0001. The second century started with the year 0101. The third century started with the year 0201. And so it went until the 20th century started with the year 1901 and the 21st century started with the year 2001.
The year 87 was in the first century
The 76th year of the 19th century
The year 732 was in the 8th century.
The year 1809 is in the 19th century.