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The wording of your question is such that it can mean three completely different things:

  1. "What chance do you have of drawing a card that can be used as a 9 of hearts with two jokers in the deck?"
  2. "What chance do you have of drawing the 9 of hearts from a full deck that contains two jokers (54 cards)?"
  3. "What chance do you have of drawing the 9 of hearts and both jokers"

In answer to each of those questions:

  1. 3/54 = 1/18
  2. 1/54
  3. 1/54 × 2/53 × 1/52 = 2/148824 = 1/74412
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Q: What chance do you have of drawing the 9 of hearts with 2 jokers?
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What is the probability of drawing a ten from a deck of cards?

1/13 without Jokers. 2/27 with the two jokers still in the deck.

What is the probability of drawing a black card in a standard deck?

Excluding jokers, the probability is 1 in 2.

Probability of drawing a red jack?

(2 in 52). Or (1 in 21). With jokers; (2 in 54) or (1 in 22)

What is probability of drawing a 2 3 4 5 or 6 from a deck of cards?

20 out of 64, excluding Jokers.

What is the probability of drawing a club from a deck of cards?

13/52 Note that many card decks come with 2 jokers and sometimes a title card or bridge score card. In this case the chance would be 13/54 or 13/55.

How many cards are a 2 of hearts out of 54?

There is only one Two of Hearts in a regular deck of 54 playing cards. There are 13 of each suit, along with two jokers.

How many hearts are a deck of cards of 54?

Their are 52 cards in a normal deck of playing cards (Minus the 2 Jokers).

What beats an 2 a k q j and joker. six card poker?

Is their a poker game called jokers wild 5 cards and 1 last total 6 cards. The highest hand is 2 hearts, ace hearts, king hearts, queen hearts, jack hearts, and last card joker. And they win pot, that is building up from each hand played at .25 cents per hand played. That is the highest hand, hardest to get dealt. Jokers wild best hand is, straight 2 - jack all hearts and last card up is a joker.

52C in a P WJS?

52 Cards in a Pack (With Jokers) Technically this is incorrect. there are 4 suits in a deck of cards hearts, clubs diamonds and spades. there are 13 cards per suit; A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K. If you have a full deck, there are 2 jokers Totaling 54 cards "With Jokers" --The correct Answer is '52 Cards in a Pack (WithOUT Jokers)

What is the probability of getting an even number in a deck of cards?

Well, in a deck of cards, there's 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, so that's five cards. Take those five cards and multiply it by four, because there's four different suits (clubs, diamonds, spades, and hearts.) This gives you 20, out of 52 cards, or a 20/52 chance. You can reduce this by dividing by 4, to get a 4/13 chance. You can use a calculator to divide that out and find the percentage answer, which is 38.5 percent. If you include the two jokers, then you have a 20/54 chance of drawing an even number, which works out to a 37 percent chance.

What is the probability of getting a even number in a deck of cards?

Well, in a deck of cards, there's 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, so that's five cards. Take those five cards and multiply it by four, because there's four different suits (clubs, diamonds, spades, and hearts.) This gives you 20, out of 52 cards, or a 20/52 chance. You can reduce this by dividing by 4, to get a 4/13 chance. You can use a calculator to divide that out and find the percentage answer, which is 38.5 percent. If you include the two jokers, then you have a 20/54 chance of drawing an even number, which works out to a 37 percent chance.

Out of a standard 52 card deck what is the probability of drawing a heart given that a red card was drawn first?

This is a conditional probability, given the card is red, what is the chance it is a heart. Since there are 2 red hearts, the probability if 1/2