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Q: What changes are needed to make a sequential search to be sorted in descending order?
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Can you use a sequential search on an unsorted array?

Sequential search is the only way to search an unsorted array unless you resort to a multi-threaded parallel search where all threads concurrently search a portion of the array sequentially.

Explain linear search with an example?

Sequential search of an object with in an array of objects is called as linear search.

Is it true In a sequential search each element is compared to the searchValue and the search stops when the value is found or the end of the array is encountered?

As I know the search method depends on your(programmer's) logic. In sequential search it will be better to stop the search as soon as search value encounters or if search value is not in the array then it should stop at the end.

How can the content of the array be recorded to improve the average performance in sequential search of reordered?

If you're strictly using a sequential search, then the order of the array's content will make no difference. Whether it's in low-high order, high-low order, or randomized, the time complexity for a sequential search will remain O(n).

A binary search of an orderd set of elements in an array or a sequential search of the elements.Which one is faster?

A binary search is much faster.

What will be the average successful time for sequential search on n items?


How can you use the word thither in a sentence?

The traveler journeyed from here to thither in search of new adventures.

Describe the sequential and binary search develop the algorithms for the same?

both seach has different algorithem but the complexity will be same...

How do you get principal varivation from iterative deepening search?

You will get principal variation from iterative deepening search using sequential moves within the framework. It is important to note that this may slow down the search due to space requirements.Ê

What is searching. With the help of illustrative examples describe sequential search and binary search Develop the algorithms for the same.?

Searching of algorithm is finding an item with specified properties among a collection of items. The items may be stored individually as records in a database; or may be elements of a search space defined by a mathematical formula or procedure, such as the roots of an equation with integer variables; or a combination of the two, such as the Hamiltonian circuits of a graph A Binary Search is a technique for quickly locating an item in a sequential list. A Sequential Search is a procedure for searching a table that consists of starting at some table position (usually the beginning) and comparing the file-record key in hand with each table-record key, one at a time, until either a match is found or all sequential positions have been searched. BY PANKAJ BHATT (warrior2pnk)

What algorithm uses a loop to step through each element of an array starting with the first element searching for a value?

What you're describing is called a sequential search or linear search.

What is the average number of comparisons in a sequential search?

If this is a homework related question, you really should consider trying to solve it yourself before looking at this answer. Otherwise, the value of the lesson, and the reinforcement provided by the assignment, will be lost to you. In a sequential search, where the elements are in a uniformly random distribution, the average number of comparisions to find a particular element is one half of the number of elements. Stated another way... In a sequential search, where the elements are in an arbitrary distribution, the average number of comparisions to find a random element is one half of the number of elements.