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water and gas

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Q: What changes shape when placed in a different container?
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What changes shape when placed in different container?

Any Liquid or Gas

What state of matter will always take the shape and volume of its container?

the state of matter that changes shape when placed in a different container is water

Does not change shape when placed in a different container?


What state of matter changes shape when placed into a container?

A gas changes shape when placed into a container. Gases do not have a fixed shape or volume, and they expand to fill the space available to them. This is in contrast to solids and liquids, which have a fixed shape and volume.

The state of matter that keeps its shape its shape and volume when is placed in a different container?


What the state of matter that keep the shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?

The state of matter that maintains both shape and volume when placed in a different container is a solid. Solids have particles that are tightly packed together, giving them a fixed shape and volume.

The state of matter that keeps its shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps its shape and volume when it it placed in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps it shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?


Does a vapour keep its shape?

No. It expands to fill any container it's in. If you pump it out of one container and into a different one, it changes its shape to match the new container.

What is the state of matter that keeps it's shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?


What changes shape but doesn't change volume?

A gas changes shape but doesn't change volume due to its particles being free to move and spread out to fit the container it is in.