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Q: What charge builds up in the matrix?
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What is electric charge build up one place?

builds a charge in one place

Electrical charge that builds up in an object?

static electricity

What is a still charge that builds up on an object called?

Static Electricity

What is the name for a stationary electrical charge which builds up an insulated object?

Static Electricity.

Explain how a Van de Graaff generator builds up a static charge.?

A Van de Graaff generator uses a motor to transfer positive charge from a grounded metal sphere to a rubber belt continuously. The charge builds up on the metal sphere as the belt moves, creating a high voltage difference between the sphere and the belt due to the continuous transfer of charge.

What force is responsible for causing hair to stand on end when it builds up a static charge?

repulsion (study isalnd)

What is electric charge what happens if it builds up?

Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that determines how it interacts with other matter through electromagnetic forces. When electric charge builds up in an object, it can lead to the creation of static electricity. This can cause sparks or shocks when the charged object comes into contact with another object, and can potentially lead to damage in electronic devices.

Which pop group was named after a device which builds up electric charge on a metal sphere?

Van de Graaff generator

Why do some clothes are charged during the day?

Because the clothes rub against each other, which scrapes off electrons, causing static charge. The charge cant move( clothes are insulators) so charge builds up during the day

Is static electricity is an excess of charge?

Yes, static electricity is an excess of charge that builds up on an object due to the transfer of electrons. This imbalance of charge can result in static electricity causing objects to attract or repel each other.

Why do some cars have a rubber strip containing metal dangling from the rear end of the car and touching the road surface?

This is to discharge static charge that builds up.

What is an active matrix?

An active matrix is a form of liquid crystal display with a grid of transistors and capacitors which can hold a charge for a limited period of time.