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Oils are examples of hydrocarbons and hence they contain carbon and hydrogen as the elements.

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Q: What chemical elements make oil?
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Is engine oil a chemical?

Of course motor oil is a chemical ! Anything that has weight is composed of elements. Elements are the incremental building blocks of chemicals. Oil is primarily composed of Hydrogen (an element) and Carbon (an element).

How does two elements make a compound?

After a chemical reaction two elements form a chemical compound.

What is the chemical symbol of coconut oil?

There is none. Coconut oil is a mixture, not an element or compound. So it has neither a chemical symbol (exclusive to elements) nor a chemical formula.

What two elements make up crude oil?

Carbon and hydrogen are the two main elements that make up crude oil.

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Crude oil contain compounds of O, C, H, N and not chemical elements.

What chemical elements make up crude oil?

Crude oil is primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen, along with traces of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen. These elements combine in various ratios to form different hydrocarbon molecules such as alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatics, which make up the constituents of crude oil.

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salt and oliveoil does not make a chemical reaction because the olive oil doesnt have the right particles in it

What element do in a reaction?

What do elements do in a reaction? A: The elements that are present form a chemical bond. This happens because of the fact that the elements that are present to form such combine together to make the chemical bond.

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Uranium is a chemical element and doesn't contain other elements,As all chemical elements uranium is formed from protons, neutrons and electrons.

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Elements are combined to make compounds?

Yes, chemical compounds are made up of elements combined together.

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Einsteinium is an unique chemical element.