In the old days women took care of all house hold chores such as clean house take care of their children if they had any and cook never did women work outside until ww1 started.
4017.75 days old
365 is how many days there are in a year. So if someone is 365 days old, they are one year old.
About once every 28 days. However, there may be differences between one woman and another, and between one period and another for the same woman.
1518,6240 days old!
The answer is you wouldn't even be an year old considering to to calender there are 365 days in a year so you would be 199 days old
the children in the old days had to cook clean milk cows and hunt 4 food!
Yes, just do chores a lot.
The cast of Chores - 2012 includes: Stephanie Seidel as The Woman Tim Wersan as The Man
chores or a allowance.
chores around the house chores around the house chores around the house newspaper boy or girl
Women have always been capable of doing whatever men can do. In the old days the domestic chores were harder than they are now. Modern conveniences have greatly eased the job of homemaking. In the old days the women's job was to make the home, and that kept them too busy to do manual labor like the men.
The cast of 101 Days - 2001 includes: Angelina Torres as Old Woman
Wikipedia's oldest people article says that the oldest woman was 122 years and 164 days old and the oldest man was 120 years and 237 days old. The man's age however has had some dispute. If the 120 year old man's age wasn't true, then the oldest man would be 115 years and 252 days old.
Right now the world's oldest living woman is Besse Cooper at 114 years, 193 days
The woman's chores in missions were to cook the food, make the clothes, and things mostly like that!! ~ :) This should help mostly if you were doing a report!! :) Hope this helped!!
The voting age was 21 in those days.
No, do chores for an allowance.