As of September 1, 2011, Miami
Las Vegas is the city with the highest suicide rate per capita in the US. Vegas has been at the top of the list for many years. The state with the highest suicide rate per capita is Alaska.
los angelous has the highest murder rate but its a big city.oakland has the third biggest murrder rate and its more than 8 times i would say oaklandis more dangorous. Oakland, Stockton, and East LA.
A recent poll which was net-pubished on the Yahoo news feed, named Flint Michigan as the US city with the highest crime rate.
The two most important include Mexico City and Cancun.
The city with the highest murder rate in 2011 was Caracas, Venezuela.
In recent years, the city of Jacksonville in Florida has had the highest murder rate compared to other cities in the state.
Russia has the highest murder rate in Europe. However, this includes all of Russia. Estonia is the wholly European country with the highest murder rate.
Flint, Michigan had the highest murder rate in the US for 2010.
The city with the highest murder rate in the US in 1988 was Detroit, Michigan.
As of September 1, 2011, Miami
Selma CA
Stockton, CA had their highest murder rate in 2012.
Which state had the highest murder rate in 2011?Read more: Which_state_had_the_highest_murder_rate_in_2011
which city/state has the highest murder rate so far this year
Gary Indiana had a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 highest of any city with a population of at least 100,000 = Murder Capital