To become a medical examiner you should take all math classes. You should also take extra science classes. If your school offers anatomy, then you should take that as well.
the math classes you have to take to be veterinarian is the number of classes you have to take to be a veterinarian.
The #1 class you should take is pathology. Anatomy, clinical and forensic classes are mandatory, too.
You should probably take classes that relate to your desired career, if any are offered at your high school. General classes to take are English and Math, and other college-preparatory classes. In the end though, the classes that you choose in high school generally won't matter as much to a college as how well you did (your GPA (grade pooint average)) and your test scores. If you are trying to get into a really prestigious college it would matter more.
The math class(es) you are required to take in college are based on your area of study, so someone studying engineering may have to take certain math classes that a chemistry major may not have to take.
Robotics classes for Kids
A mechanical engineer is not a scientist, they just implement the knowledge of the scientist in design. If you want to become a robotics scientist, you will need as much math and physics classes you can take. Focus on mechanics and higher level math classes.
To become a website developer you should take classes to learn HTML. You should also take classes on graphic design.
You should take sketching classes or drawing classes if you would like to learn how to draw.
you have to take cooking classes
To become a medical examiner you should take all math classes. You should also take extra science classes. If your school offers anatomy, then you should take that as well.
you should take some are classes and also some classes in creative writing.
Pine-Richland does not have a robotics club, but it does have a technology student association for those who are interested in technology and who are currently enrolled in technology classes.
A fashion designer should take art classes and marketing classes.
If you want to be a CEO, you should take a lot of business classes. You may also want to get your master's degree.
you dont take any classes
All the baby classes!