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what closed figure made up of four equal angles could be a

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Q: What closed figure makes up four equal angles?
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A closed planar figure with four right angles. This makes opposite sides parallel and of equal length and of course adjacent sides "normal" to each other ('normal' in geometry means at right angles). There is an inside and an outside. The center of gravity lies at the intersection of the diagonals and the intersection of the lines connecting opposite midpoints.

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A has four equal sides and all the angles are 90degrees. it has 2 pairs of parallel lines which makes it a parallelogram.

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Is a triangle a polygon explain why or why not?

Starting with the definition of polygon makes much easier to understand why triangle is a polygon.Definition: A polygon is a closed figure bounded by sides.Definition of triangle: Triangle is a closed figure bounded by three sides.Since triangle is also a closed figure bounded by sides therefore, triangle is a polygon.

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In an equilateral triangle, all of the angles are equal, which makes them all 60 degrees. Therefore, all three angles are acute.

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