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Q: What coin has a crescent moon and star and wheat on one side and a 5 in a 5 sided star on the other side. There's also writing on it that looks like it could be arabic?
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Translate from ottoman Turkish into Arabic?

Ottoman Turkish and Arabic had different writing systems: the Ottoman Turkish alphabet used Latin, Arabic, and Chinese figures, but Arabic only uses Arabic figures. To learn Ottoman Turkish, you could go to The website is written in Arabic, but on the top you should find the Translate this Page, and translate into English or whatever language you speak.

What can you infer about how the scholar's at cordoba's university influenced the spread of Islam?

The scholar's at Cordoba studied Greek and Roman scientific writings and translated them into Arabic so, Arabic writing in mathematics, astronomy, geography, and history could be studied throughout Europe.

What moon comes after crescent moon?

Depends it could be first or last quarter phases if you are talking about both crescent moons or just the frist crescent waxing crescent. If you are talking about the other crescent the phase that comes before it is last quarter.

How did the Phoenician alphabet affect the Mediterranean world in later civilizations?

It was adapted for se by Latin and Greek, and so the basis of writing today.

Why were Songhai laws written in Arabic?

Songhai laws were written in Arabic because Arabic was the language of religion and learning in the Muslim world during the time of the Songhai Empire. By writing laws in Arabic, the Songhai rulers could demonstrate their adherence to Islamic principles and gain legitimacy in the eyes of the Muslim scholars and populace. Additionally, Arabic was a common language of administration and trade in the region, making it a practical choice for legal documents.

Where can you revise Arabic GCSE?

You could go on Edexcel GCSE Arabic

Fake in Egyptian Arabic?

Fake = mozawwar or mesh 7aqeqe ( in Arabic ) and could be in Egyptian. and it written in Arabic this way : مزور

What sort of information follows the Roman numerals?

Roman Numerals are just another way of writing numbers. The same as using the Chinese Numerals, or even our very own Arabic Numerals. Tally is another way of noting numbers. So anything could, in essence, precede or follow Roman Numerals, that could precede or follow Arabic Numerals or Tallies.

Why did people settle in the Fertile Crescent?

So that they could farm their fields.

The fertile crescent was a major means of migration in ancient times because?

The land of the Fertile Crescent could support agriculture and grazing, and was located between two major rivers that could be used for transport.

How could you say attack in Arabic?


Where could one view a cartoon in Arabic?

Syraj has a site for teaching Arabic that has cartoons on it. There is also a new Cartoon Network that is broadcasted in the Arabic language. Most Arabic cartoons are used for teaching.