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you get dark green like something like olive green

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Q: What colour do you get if you mix black and green?
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Which colour mix with green to make black?

To turn green black, add black.

When you mix black and yellowwhy does it make green?

Yeah, an olive green colour, just not too much black

What colour do you mix to get green?

pink, black, blue, indigo and red. Ignore the above: with paints or inks, you mix yellow and cyan to get green.

What colour do you get when you mix black and yellow?

Mixing black and yellow will give you a shade of dark green.

What colour do you get if you mix orange green and black?

dark brown....depends on the quantity of paint use though

What colour do you get if you mix yellow green ans red?

it comes out purple but if you mix Magenda Cyan and Yellow, you get BLACK this is because its paint and you are not dealing not LIGHT

What colour do you get if you mix green and blue?

You get the color turquoise when you mix green and blue.

What colors do you mix with red to make green?

The making of the secondary colour green does not involve the primary colour red. Instead, it involves mixing primary colours blue and yellow together, and to change the shade, adding flecks of the tone colour white (lighter green) and black (darker green).

What colour do you get when you mix indigo and green?

Depends on what shades you're using, but probably a really dark blue-green. If the green is dark enough, it might appear black.

What colour will you get if you mix yellow and blue together?

You will get green.

Do you mix black clothes with colour ones doing laundry?

Yes, but only blue, dark green, red, burgundy.

What colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow?
