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219 + 218 + 217 + 216 + 214 + 29 + 26 = 1,000,000

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Q: What combination of powers of 2 adds up to one million?
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How do you write ten million in powers of ten?

The answer is 107. A thousand is 103, a million is 106, a billion is 109, a trillion is 1012, and a quadrillion is 1015. You will notice the exponent is evenly disvisible by 3 in each case. Ten million, ten billion, ten trillion, and so on adds 1 to each exponent, and one hundred million, one hundred billion, etc. adds 2 to each exponent. Adding three to the exponent moves it to the next number. In other words, a thousand quadrillion is a quintillion.

What is 10 million in billions?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 10 million = 10 million ÷ (10^6 × 1 million) billion = 10^-5 million = 0.00001 billionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 10 million = 10 million ÷ (10^3 × 1 million) billion = 10^-2 billion = 0.01 billion

What is 6 billion in millions?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 6 billion = 6 × 10^6 × million = 6,000,000 million = 6 million millionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 6 billion = 6 × 10^3 × million = 6,000 million = 6 thousand million

How many times larger is one billion than one million?

The answer depends upon the scale and where you are: * In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million) like Europe: 1 billion ÷ 1 million = (10^6)^2 ÷ (10^6) = (10^6)^1 = 1 million. * In those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one) like USA: 1 billion ÷ 1 million = (10^3)^(2+1) ÷ (10^3)^2 = (10^3)^1 = 1 thousand. If you're in the UK although people (including [some of the] Government) want it to be part of Europe, it doesn't use the European long scale (not since 1974) but the American short scale.

How many millions are in 25 billion?

The answer depends on whether you're using the U.S. or British billion.The U.S. billion is a thousand millions, so 25 billion is 25,000 millions.The British billion is a million millions, so 25 billion is 25,000,000 millions.The answer depends upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = 1 million million = 1,000,000 million → 25 billion = 25,000,000 million (25 million million)In those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = 1 thousand million = 1,000 million → 25 billion = 25,000 million (25 thousand million).

Related questions

How do you write ten million in powers of ten?

The answer is 107. A thousand is 103, a million is 106, a billion is 109, a trillion is 1012, and a quadrillion is 1015. You will notice the exponent is evenly disvisible by 3 in each case. Ten million, ten billion, ten trillion, and so on adds 1 to each exponent, and one hundred million, one hundred billion, etc. adds 2 to each exponent. Adding three to the exponent moves it to the next number. In other words, a thousand quadrillion is a quintillion.

What are the angles of a rightangled triangle?

One is 90 degrees, the other two can be any combination that adds up to 90.

What was Germany's Army size at the onset of world war one?

At the start of WWI the armies of the main powers were roughly as follows: Germany 4,5 million Austria-hungary 3 million Great Britain 0,975 million France 4 million Russia 6 million

What comes after hundred million UK?

That will depend on what amounts you are jumping in. So you could say a hundred million and one. If you were jumping in a decimal value, it would be less than that. If you are talking in terms of powers of 10, then it would be a thousand million.

How many million is one billion?

In countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million) as used in Europe - one million:1 billion = 1012 ⇒ 1 billion ÷ 1 million = 1012 ÷ 106= 106In countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand) as used in USA - one thousand:1 billion = 109 ⇒ 1 billion ÷ 1 million = 109 ÷ 106= 103

HOW do you say 20000000000 in word form?

I say it as twenty thousand million as I use the long scale (based on powers of a million); others who use the long scale may say it as twenty milliard. Yet others still, who use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one) say it as twenty billion.

How many millions in 50 billion?

Depending upon where you are: In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe: 1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 50billion = 50 × 10^6 × million = 50,000,000 million = 50 million million In those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA: 1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 50 billion = 50 × 10^3 × million = 50,000 million = 50 thousand million

What is 10 million in billions?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 10 million = 10 million ÷ (10^6 × 1 million) billion = 10^-5 million = 0.00001 billionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 10 million = 10 million ÷ (10^3 × 1 million) billion = 10^-2 billion = 0.01 billion

What is 6 billion in millions?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 6 billion = 6 × 10^6 × million = 6,000,000 million = 6 million millionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 6 billion = 6 × 10^3 × million = 6,000 million = 6 thousand million

How many million in 16 billion?

Depending upon where you are:In those countries that use the long scale (based on powers of a million), like Europe:1 billion = (10^6)^2 = 10^6 × 10^6 = 10^6 million = 1,000,000 million = 1 million million → 16 billion = 16 × 10^6 × million = 16,000,000 million = 16 million millionIn those countries that use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand plus one), like USA:1 billion = (10^3)^(2+1) = 10^9 = 10^3 × 10^6 = 10^3 million = 1,000 million = 1 thousand million → 16 billion = 16 × 10^3 × million = 16,000 million = 16 thousand million

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What was the change of the Asian population alone or in combination with one or more races from 1990 to 2000?

3.3 to 6.9 million