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They would be whole seconds.

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Q: What comes after tenths of seconds on a stopwatch?
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What comes after seconds on a stopwatch?

After seconds on a stopwatch comes minutes, followed by hours if the stopwatch has that capability.

What comes after the seconds?

Tenths of a second, hundredths and then milliseconds, and so on.

What is the least count of an analogue stopwatch?

The least count of an analog stopwatch is typically 0.2 seconds. This means that the smallest time interval that can be measured accurately on the stopwatch is 0.2 seconds.

What is a stopwatch measured in?

A stopwatch is typically measured in units of time, such as seconds, minutes, and hours. It can be used to precisely measure the duration of an event or activity.

What is a stopwatch what is the least count of a mechanical stopwatch you have used in the laboratory?

A stopwatch is a timekeeping device used to measure the duration of an event. The least count of a mechanical stopwatch typically used in laboratories is 0.1 seconds, meaning it can measure time intervals in increments of 0.1 seconds.

What measures minutes and seconds?

clock, stopwatch, watch

What is the least count of the stopwatch?

The least count of a stopwatch is typically 0.01 seconds, meaning it can measure time in increments of 0.01 seconds.

How will you record the time taken to do a skill?

Use a stopwatch, when you have prepared everything, start the stopwatch and start your skill, when you have finished if it takes you a couple of seconds to stop the stopwatch deduct it from the time displayed on the screen.

What is a stopwatch metric unit?

The unit is a second, but it can measure to 0.01 seconds.

How many tenths is 10 seconds of a minute?

10 seconds is 1/6 of a minute, which is 1 and 2/3 tenths

What is two tenths of a second?

Two tenths of a second is equal to 0.2 seconds.

What comes next three tenths?

4 tenths