1039 = one thousand thirty nine, or one thousand and thirty nine as it is termed in British English.
thirty-nine ten thousandths = 39.0010
930,000,000 is nine hundred and thirty million
seventeen point three nine seventeen dollars and thirty-nine cents seventeen and thirty-nine hundredths
There are several ways to write 39.73: Thirty-nine point seven three Thirty-nine dollars and seventy-three cents (if referring to money) Thirty-nine seventy-three (a more casual money reference) Thirty-nine and seventy-three hundredths
Three feet and three inches is a total of thirty-nine inches. There are twelve inches in a foot, multiplied by three is thirty-six and add the three extra inches and it comes to thirty-nine inches.
Nine-Thirty was created in 1985.
They are thirty nine and thirteen, respectively.
Thirty-nine is NOT a prime number. It is composite.
The Thirty-Nine Steps was created in 1915.
The number 39 is spelled out "thirty-nine."
1039 = one thousand thirty nine, or one thousand and thirty nine as it is termed in British English.
thirty and nine tenth in decimal = 30.9
There are two ways that are acceptable: Thirty-nine or Thirty nine
The thirty-nine steps are located on the Ruff, near Bradgate. There are several sets of stairs- thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-nine, forty-two, and forty-five- Scaife and Richard Hannay find a place called Trafalgar Lodge, which is what the thirty-nine stepped staircase lead to.