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Q: What comes directly before today?
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What yesterday was and what tomorrow will be?

today Before yesterday passed, it was today. When tomorrow comes, it will be today.

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If today is Friday what is the day that follows the day that comes after the day that comes before the day before yesterday?

If today is Friday, the day that comes before yesterday is Wednesday. The day that follows Wednesday is Thursday. Therefore, the day that follows the day that comes after the day that comes before the day before yesterday is Friday.

What immeadiatly come before today?

the word "before" comes immediately before today in the question. or the letter "e" depending on how literal you chose to be.

Where does Today comebefore Yesterday and Tomorrow?

Today comes before yesterday and tomorrow in a dictionary!

What was yesterday?

The day before today. Two days before tomorrow. But if tomorrow never comes, will yesterday ever go. =/ At the time of this writing, yesterday was Sunday, January 1st, 2011.

What do you call two days before tomorrow?

The day before tomorrow is called "today." Therefore, two days before tomorrow would be "yesterday." This is because each day progresses linearly in a chronological sequence, with yesterday being the day that comes before today, and tomorrow being the day that comes after today.

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Where is the hymn 'Christ the Lord is Risen Today' found in the Bible?

It doesn't directly come from scripture, but it basically comes from Matthew 28.

What is the month after February?

March comes directly after February on the Gregorian calendar, which we use most today.

What type of note comes right before or after a space note?

In your terminology it would be a "line note". The " line note" that comes directly before or after the "space note" is said to be a "step" away from the "space note".

When does yesterday come after today?

Well, If you look in a dictionary, the word Today comes before Yesterday. Hope this helps.