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Q: What comes first form or function?
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Deviant behavior

What is the function glomerulus?

Performs the first step of filtering the blood to form urine.

What comes first in a formal form city or region?

In a formal form, the city typically comes before the region. For example, "Los Angeles, California" or "Paris, France."

how to improve slow learning and poor memeory?

There is a product you can buy called Focus Factor. It comes in tablet form and supports memory function.

In Jeopardy what comes first the answer or the question?

The answer must be in the form of a question. The information given first is always incomplete, but does not have question format.

Does knights in armor connected to form and function?

yes knights in armour are connected to form and function. Form: If the armour did not work then the knights would not of used it. Function: And the function is to protect you from a sword.

How does snow form into a flake?

At first when it comes out of the cloud it is rain and it turns to ice and then to snow flakes.

What is the definition of a Vertex form of a quadratic function?

it is a vertices's form of a function known as Quadratic

What form does a linear function take?

A linear function when graphed takes the form of a straight line.

What comes first cloud formation or precipatation?

Cloud formation typically comes first before precipitation. Moisture in the air condenses to form clouds as the air rises and cools. Once the clouds become saturated with water droplets or ice crystals, precipitation can occur when the droplets or crystals become heavy enough to fall from the clouds.

What is the platonic view on the relationship between form and function republic by Plato?

it cant be function without form

What is exponential function?

"The" exponential function is ex. A more general exponential function is any function of the form AeBx, for any non-xero constants "A" and "B". Alternately, Any function of the form CDx (for constants "C" and "D") would also be considered an exponential function. You can change from one form to the other.