The riddle is more properly written as, "What comes once per year and four times in an average day?"
Answer: The letter "a."
answer is Six Hours as a year consist of 365 days and 6 hours so it is once in a year secondly in a 24 hrs day 6 hours will come 4 times in a single day.
Oh, dude, that's like some riddle inception right there. So, technically, the answer would be the letter "e." It appears once in the word "year," twice in "month," four times in "week," and six times in "day." Mind blown, right?
once a year
It is meant to describe something occurring 4 times per year, or once per quarter. If you wanted to describe something occurring once every four years, you would say it is a quadrennial event.
Four ... a "quarter" is a fourth. Four into Twelve equals Three. Three times Four is Twelve.
If it comes four times a day then it would come 1460 times a year.
July 4th
it's a
A is found once in a "yeAr" and 4 times in "An AverAge dAy."
Properly written, the question should be: "What comes once per year and four times in an average day?" Answer: The letter "a."
h_ _d_a_ _ _z
The correct riddle is:"What occurs once in a year, twice in every month, four times in every week and six times in each and every weekend?"The answer is the letter 'E'a yEarEvEry monthEvEry wEEkEach and EvEry wEEkEnd
Properly written, the question should be: "What comes once per year and four times in an average day?" Answer: The letter "a."
Actually, it is "once per yeAr and four times in An AverAge dAy."So A. For this to work, the riddle must be worded very specifically.
The letter S
The letter A. So it is one A in 'every yeAr' and four A in 'An AvergAge dAy'.
The question is worded wrong. It should be "once in every year". And it should be "four times in an average day". The answer is "A". yeAr An AverAge dAy.